
Recover data from a non booting Macbook Air (OSX 10.6 and 10.7, and probably 10.8)

The Macbook Air is the best tool for someone whose main function is to attend to meetings. Although the new (2011) models all feature SSDs, the older models only offered those as an option. As such, even the best build machines are not free from hard drive failures, which remain as the component with highest failing component. Regardless, in case you get stuck with a non booting Macbook Air,  here's how to recover the data: 1. First, why does this…

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Check opened files by a process on OSX

Recently i've been fighting some performance issues with Spotlight on OSX 10.6. As sad as it may seem, the problem is not on Spotlight it selft, but on it's reliance on third parties to search inside files. On my case, the issue is related to Office 2010 Exel files: Jul 26 10:52:51 macbook-2 mdworker32: (Normal) Import: Spotlight giving up on importing file /Users/xxx/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/xxx/xxx.mbox/Attachments/156147/2/_excel_filename_.xlsx after 240 seconds, 235.697 seconds of which was spent in the Spotlight importer plugin. Which makes Spotlight…

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Comments and registration now available!

Hi all, I'm very sorry for the interruption on the continuous flow of posts I was managing up until September, but as everyone, when the workload increases, non-essential stuff start to get set aside. Regardless, this projects hasn't ended, and the flow of new visitors has now got to a stable level. As such, registration for new users and comments are now open to all. Feel free to comment on anything you don't agree or any other stuff you find…

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Generating random files

Why on earth would someone want to generate files of random content (not files with random name) ? Well, there is one big reason to do it: generate incompressible files. This seems a small reason, but there are a number os usage scenarios (apart from proving that random content is incompressible), most focus on transmitting files. Although is transparent to most people, but some tools do background compression namely, https, IPSEC and SSL VPNs, etc, and as such, trying to…

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